Monday, February 23, 2009

Thanks Mom!

So as I get older and more mature, or maybe it's just older and poorer, I seem to appreciate my family a heck of a lot more than in previous years. It's the little things that get me excited and make me miss home. Like today for example. I was sitting in the PAC Lab working on some last minute studying when I get a text message from my boss. First can I just say I always feel awkward when my boss texts me. I guess it will be really scary when my 60 year old mother (sorry mom, you are young at heart though) sends a text for the first time. Man, where did time go?

Anyways back to my story, my boss tells me I have a "delivery." First of all that word delivery is just sketchy. What exactly does that mean, a card, flowers, chocolates and from who, your boyfriend, best friend, parent or some creeper down the curb. That's right people, you know exactly what I'm talking about. When someone uses the word delivery, you say hmmmm and your mind stars to wander as to what this special delivery could entail.

OK, so let's get back on track. This studying for finals things is totally getting my mind outta whack lately. I get to work and my boss just smiles and tells me "it's in the office." She peers through the window as I open the door, turn on the light and see what my mysterious delivery really is. A big, yellow, smiley balloon, some pretty pink flowers and a card. Who sent it you may be wondering. Was it my secret admirer or special friend, nope my mom. That's right all, be jealous because the card even had a poem. A rhyming poem at that.

How freaking cool do I feel right now! I strut out the door, delivery in hand and announce to the world that I have the coolest mom in the world. That's right, family gets a lot cooler when you get older. Keep them coming mom, I can handle these so called deliveries all quarter long!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lovin' St. Louis

With the quarter wrapping up, I can honestly say I am ready for a vacation! However, I did have the opportunity to go to St. Louis this past weekend, and it was amazing! Thank you Panhell! Free trip to hang out with 2,000 other Greeks and fellow Panhell and IFC members. So much fun, I must say. We stayed at the Renaissance Hotel which was beautiful and huge. We were able to see the Arch, Delmar Loop and a cute, little Irish pub.
More than that, I learned so much about Greek life all over the U.S. It was fascinating to meet women of other chapters, learn how there chapters run and operate and hear exciting and inspirational speakers. Seeing the passion of students, no matter what their letters, work and learn side by side was very inspiring. There were leaders all around the room, sacrificing time and energy into making their chapters great. I can't wait to see some of the things that happen as a result in the near future. I sure hope great things unfold on the campus of ONU. I guess we will see when recruitment rolls around in the fall...
Wish us Luck!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No cell phone=No social life

I have decided through my many personal experiences, that living without a cell phone in this day and age is sort of like living with no social life. Yeah, it super sucks. I am entering my third, "living in a hole with no clue what's going on" experience. Now I may seem pathetic to some of you out there that are anti-dependents on technology, but let's face it; if you lost your cell phone you would be lost too. Thanks to the snow built up in my driver's side floor I will be living without contact to the outside world until Saturday. Thanks dad, without you I would continue to live under a rock.

The Greatest Thing Ever...In Ada That Is!

Tuesday night=party night, right? Definitely not for me in my old age! However, I did find something that has proved to be better than late night runs to Wal-Mart, sleeping in and participating in quarters at the Beagle. What is this amazing thing you might ask? The Red Box at McDonalds! Seriously, $1 for a movie. I don't know what else a poor college student could ask for. So next time you are sitting at home, wondering what you can get for a buck, head to McDonalds. No, not for a cheeseburger for a movie! However, since you are in the neighborhood you might as well grab a snack. Whoever said cheeseburgers and fries aren't the new movie snack.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I hate ditches...

So if you read my last blog, you would understand the hatred I now hold towards snow in Ohio. Saturday night I was driving to Shelby and you guessed it, I too became a "snow ditch groupie." I was driving, minding my own business and obeying the rules of the road when i hit a patch of drifted snow in the road and came face to face with four feet of snow. My car veered right in front of another car, fish tailed in the back sending snow flying and came to a sudden halt. Not to mention my cell phone, which I had been on trying to get directions, went flying across the car and fell into a puddle of water. Yes, the puddle was in my car, and yes my phone no longer works.
Two hours later with the help of a random townie, my boyfriend, a state highway patrol man and a tow man, I was out of the ditch. I think it's about time for some warmer weather or I could just settle for my own personal tow truck.